
The American Center for Justice (ACJ) Condemns the Killing of the UN Official Hamidi
  • 2023-07-22

    The killing of the head team of the World Food Programme, Muayad Hamidi, in the city of Al-Turbah, south of Taiz governorate, comes in an exceptional circumstance that Yemen and the besieged Taiz governorate are witnessing where the humanitarian situation is getting more severe and difficult and also in conjunction with a new global food crisis on the one hand, and the sensitivity of the security situation in the governorate on the other.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) condemns the crime and shares the grief of the Hamidi family. The center warned that the aim of this operation would be to complicate the living and security situation and to plunge the governorate into more chaos, as the city of Al-Turbah had never witnessed a security operation of this size and level. 

    As expected, the crime led the World Food Program to temporarily suspend its humanitarian and relief activities in Taiz.

    The ACJ hopes that the program and other international organizations will not stop providing humanitarian aid in Yemen, stressing their right to ensure the safety of their work crews on the ground. 

    It also calls on the security authorities in Taiz governorate to take urgent action to deal with this crime, to reveal its perpetrators and the party behind it, and to bring them to the judicial authorities as soon as possible in order to spare the governorate and the country from entering a new scenario of chaos.
