
The tragedy of the village of Al-Janadaba
  • 2023-12-16

    There is nothing lofty here. All the houses have been demolished until they are mixed together. You would think an earthquake has occurred and that the earth is about to crush the houses and swallow them. Yet, neither this nor that is what happened. Rather, it is the Houthi group that booby-trap and blow up homes.

    In mid-2015, in Arhab, the village of Al-Janadaba, the Houthi group blew up 18 houses in two days, in addition to those neighboring houses that were not spared from the horror of destruction, as the bombing caused serious damage to them, as their walls were destroyed, the roofs were cracked, and the windows and doors were shattered, not to mention the state of panic that afflicted women and children. Fear was present and surrounded women and children from all sides due to the sound of explosives and the collapse of houses. 

    A state of panic and fear that you can see on their faces, and you find their bodies trembling as a result of the fear that has invaded their souls. In fact, many children became paralyzed and unable to stand or move. Countless children and women are screaming loudly for help from the scourge of bombing and panic, and the sound of shells that hit homes, other than those children who you find silent, with their faces bent over from the horror of the tragedy. The women are so exhausted that even they are unable to support themselves from fear. Screaming and wailing fill the air, but it only touches the hearts of the tired and persecuted, those who do not possess for them any harm or benefit.
