
ACJ: The Escalating Abduction Campaigns by the Houthi Group Violate Fundamental Rights
  • 20/09/2024

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) is following with deep concern the ongoing abduction campaigns carried out by the Houthi group against writers, journalists, and activists in areas under the group's control for several days. The ACJ affirms that these practices are illegal and constitute a blatant violation of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Yemeni constitution and international law.

    According to ACJ's monitoring, on Friday afternoon, the Houthi group kidnapped writer and journalist "Mohammed Dabwan Al-Mayahi" without any legal justification or clear charges. He joins a group of individuals who were arrested in recent days, most notably "Mohammed Al-Kathiri" and "Yahya Al-Jaashni." Information suggests that their abduction is likely due to their posts about the September Revolution, which Yemenis celebrate annually.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) highlighted that the arrest campaigns did not stop there. Last week, the Houthi group kidnapped media activist "Sahar Al-Khawlani" from her home in Sana'a. According to human rights sources, this arrest took place after she directly criticized the Houthi group. Al-Khawlani had condemned the group's discriminatory treatment and the suspension of teachers' salaries, and she vowed to expose destructive plans targeting current and future Yemeni generations.

    The ACJ indicates that these arrests are part of an increasing crackdown on freedom of expression and the press in areas under Houthi control. The group systematically suppresses any opposing voices, which the ACJ confirms is a blatant violation of several legal provisions, particularly Article 48 of the Yemeni Constitution. This article guarantees the right to personal freedom and security and prohibits arbitrary arrest or detention of any citizen except by order of the competent authorities and following legal procedures.

    In addition to the Houthi group's violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 19 of the covenant guarantees every individual the right to freedom of expression and opinion. Article 9 of the same covenant prohibits arbitrary arrest and emphasizes the need to respect legal procedures. The American Center for Justice (ACJ) stressed that the Houthis' actions also violate the Geneva Conventions, which ensure the protection of civilians from arbitrary arrest or harsh treatment without legal justification.

    The ACJ calls on the Houthi group to immediately cease these illegal practices and to release all political detainees without delay. The center also urges respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It also emphasizes that the continuation of these violations requires holding the perpetrators accountable before criminal judicial authorities.
