Following the death of a doctor

(ACJ): Repeated incidents of death of people released from Houthi prisons in mysterious circumstances require serious investigation
  • 06/02/2024

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) said that the repeated incidents of death of many people who were detained by the Houthi group after their release from tge Houthi detention centers required a serious and impartial investigation. 

    The Center expressed its fear that these incidents were related to what these people experienced during their period of detention, especially since most of them suffered from a deterioration in their health condition before their death, and some even had signs of torture.

    In this context, the ACJ indicates that Dr. Mansour Al-Shabouti, died on January 27, 2024, in mysterious circumstances, shortly after his release from the Houthi group’s prisons, where he stayed for two weeks, before his release in very poor health.

    The ACJ stresses that the circumstances of the death of Dr. Mansour Al-Shabouti raise its concern, and in particular, the reasons that led to his death, especially since the Houthi group’s record is full of such similar incidents. However, this is not the first case the Center has monitored of people who died after being released from the Houthi prisons. This may show systematic behavior within the group and not just occasional incidents.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) stresses the necessity of opening an impartial and comprehensive investigation into the circumstances of the death of Dr. Mansour Al-Shabouti and previous similar incidents.
