
(ACJ): expelling a student from an American high school because of his mother’s pro-Palestine posts clearly enshrines hate speech
  • 2023-12-17

    Michigan - an American student of Palestinian origin named Jad Abu Hamada, 15 years old,  who studies at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, joined the victims affected by the increasing hate speech against Palestinians in the United States of America after he was expelled from school because his mother shared a post on her account in which she criticized Israel’s practices in Gaza.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) expresses its disappointment with the decision of the administration of an American high school in Florida to expel an American student of Palestinian origin, due to his mother’s pro-Palestinian posts on social media.

    The ACJ also criticizes the reasons stated by the school administration in its statement, which said that the student’s mother’s posts were “provocative and full of hatred". The center pointed out that the student’s mother used her right to express her opinion, and that the grounds on which the decision to expel the student was based were illogical.

    We affirm that the decision to expel student Jad Abu Hamada from his school, where he had studied for 10 years, is disappointing and indicates the practice of unacceptable hatred. We express our rejection of this behavior and consider it a derogation of the rights of the Palestinian student in particular and the Islamic community within the United States in general. 

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) stresses that expelling the student violates the values of American society and calls upon the school administration to retract its decision and apologize to the student and his family for this behavior that reinforces the hate speech in society.
