
(ACJ): We call upon the local authorities in Shabwa to immediately release the detainees from “Al Bani” family
  • 2023-12-04

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice calls upon the local authorities in Shabwa, especially the governor, to take all necessary measures to ensure the release of the detainees from the Al-Bani family. These detainees are “Omar Abdullah Al-Bani,” “Oday Al-Bani,” and “Omar Abdul-Qadir Al-Bani", who were detained by gunmen this evening in the Bayhan area of Shabwa Governorate, southeastern Yemen. 

    According to the report submitted by Al-Bani’s family to the American Center for Justice, they were arrested after the family members demanded to quickly prosecute those accused of killing Sheikh Abdullah Al-Bani, who was assassinated last April after he had finished performing the Eid al-Adha sermon in front of crowds of worshipers.

    The (ACJ) notes that the trial of those accused of the murder of Sheikh “Al-Bani” witnessed an unjustified slowdown by the judicial authorities and a halt to trial sessions for unknown reasons, which prompted the family to peacefully protest to demand the continuation of the trial until the verdict is pronounced.

    Accordingly, the American Center for Justice calls on the authorities in Shabwa to take immediate action in order to release  the “Al Bani” family members, stressing at the same time the importance of local authorities instructing judicial authorities to continue examining the case related to the killing of Sheikh Abdullah Al-Bani and ensuring the imposition of deterrent penalties to achieve the principle of protecting individuals and ensuring their safety from outlaws.
