
(ACJ): Resuming the attacks on civilians in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli army shows the failure of the international community
  • 2023-12-01

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) said that resuming Israeli army’s attacks on the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the killing of dozens of civilians on the first day after a 7-day temporary humanitarian truce, shows the failure of the international community to protect civilians, especially children and women.

    The ACJ condemns the Israeli military operations and at the same time expresses its disappointment at the inability of the international community in the face of the continued Israeli military attack on the Gaza Strip, which has been suffering from a suffocating siege for nearly 17 years, since the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip has further complicated the situation. The Center emphasized that what civilians are exposed to in Gaza constitutes a systematic “genocide” committed by the Israeli army, aiming to take revenge on the population, displace them outside their lands, and deliberately subject them to living conditions intended for total or partial physical destruction.

    The continuation of military attacks will make the humanitarian situation more difficult, especially in light of the deliberate targeting of infrastructure, residential areas, health centers, hospitals, road and telecommunication, in addition to other basic life facilities.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) calls on the international community to put full pressure on Israel to cease fire immediately, and to open all closed border crossings, ensuring the flow of medical, food, and logistical supplies to the Strip.
