
(ACJ) calls for the release of journalist Ahmed Maher after he has gone on hunger strike
  • 21/11/2023

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) expresses its deep concern over the news received about journalist Ahmed Maher, who has been detained for a year and 3 months by the Southren Transitional Council forces, beginning an open hunger strike. The Center stressed that Maher's arrest and trial constitute a violation that requires accountability, calling at the same time STC to release the journalist unconditionally.

    The family of journalist “Maher” confirmed to media outlets he informed the administration of “Bir Ahmed” prison that he had begun an open hunger strike two days ago until his case was decided and the procrastination he was subjected to during his trial was stopped.

    (ACJ) indicates that journalist “Ahmed Maher” had appeared with signs of torture in a video confessing that he had committed some crimes such as bombings and assassinations. Meanwhile his brother confirmed to several human rights organizations that Ahmed was threatened with his family and wife if he did not confess to these crimes.

    The American Center for Justice affirms that the continued detention of journalist “Maher” and the torture and persecution he was subjected to constitutes a serious violation against the freedom of journalistic work and clearly shows that the judiciary has become a tool for political revenge and the suppression of freedoms. ACJ also pointed out that the judicial authorities' continued disregard for the journalist's legal rights raises concern and requires halting this trial and releasing journalist Ahmed Maher unconditionally. 

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) holds the Southern Transitional Council fully responsible for the life of journalist “Ahmed Maher” following his declaratiin of an open hunger strike and demands his immediate and unconditional release. Additionally, it calls for opening a serious investigation into the torture and dangerous practices he was exposed to, stressing that the Presidential Command Council, the Judicial Council and all relevant parties are required to play their legal and moral role towards journalist “Maher” and ensure his urgent release.
