
(ACJ): On International Children’s Day, immediate intervention and protection must be provided to the children of the Gaza Strip
  • 20/11/2023

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) calls on the United Nations and the international community to intervene immediately and not to spare any effort that would contribute to protecting the children of the Gaza Strip from the annihilation they are subjected to as a result of the ongoing military attack launched by the Israeli army on the Strip.

    On International Children's Day, the children of Gaza are still the primary victims of the most horrific types of violations due to the Israeli war, which claimed the lives of 5,500 children out of 14,000 Palestinians who lost their lives within 45 days, while about 9,500 children were injured, most of them seriously, and 4 newborns were lost due to the siege and attack on Al-Shifa Hospital, cutting off electricity, and preventing the entry of medical supplies.

    The (ACJ) affirms that the ongoing violations and attacks by the Israeli army against children in the Gaza Strip constitute a serious and clear violation of international legal rules that stipulate the special protection assigned to them, especially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in addition to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Geneva Conventions, especially the Fourth, the Hague Rules, and the Rome Statute forming the International Criminal Court.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) calls the international organizations and international community to fulfill their legal and moral obligations and to intervene urgently to protect the children of the Gaza Strip and to put pressure on Israel to stop its ongoing aggression against the besieged Strip, allow the entry of humanitarian and medical aid, and provide full psychological support to children in return for the horrific violations they have faced.
