
The (ACJ): On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, 38 journalists were killed by the Israeli army
  • 02/11/2023

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) expresses its deep condemnation and concern over the escalation of violence against journalists in conflict areas, especially Palestinians, who are currently being subjected to direct attacks that have led to the killing of 38 of them since October 7. Taking into account that, the military attack launched by the Israeli army on the Gaza Strip have continued for the 26 days in a row.

    On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, We are very disappointed at the severity of the violations committed against journalists and media workers in the Gaza Strip in particular and the Palestinian territories in general. We stress that targeting them constitutes a serious violation of their rights under international law. 

    The (ACJ) indicates in this context that the Israeli army targeted about 35 homes of journalists, which killed dozens of their family members. Among those victims was the family of journalist Wael Al-Dahdouh, a correspondent for Al-Jazeera, whose wife, two of his sons and his youngest grandchild were killed. As for journalist Eyad Al-Muqaiad, he was at work when he received the news of the killing of his 4 children and wife after the destruction of their house in Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

    This attack on Palestinian journalists comes within a long series of systematic violations against them, which included killing them and preventing them from practicing their job, as the Israeli army killed more than 55 Palestinian journalists from 2000 to October 7, 2023, including journalist Sherine Abu Aqleh, in May 2022.

    On this International Day, we remind you that the entire world must unite to end impunity for crimes against journalists and ensure freedom of the press around the world. We stress that protecting the rights of journalists promotes democracy and justice and enhances public discussion and awareness of important issues.
