
Condemning the Demand of the Director of the Al-Awqaf Department in Shabwa Province in Yemen to Expel the African Refugees
  • 25/08/2023

    The Director General of Awqaf in Shabwa Governorate issued a memorandum to the Acting Governor and Director of Security in which he demanded the expulsion of African refugees from the city of Ataq, the capital of the governorate, under the pretext of the religious and moral corruption that undermines society. This decision was recommended after holding a special consultative meeting that included preachers in Shabwa governorate to discuss the danger of African refugees. 

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) condemns in the strongest terms what was stated in the memorandum and considers it a dangerous measure and racial incitement against African refugees. The center also calls upon the Yemeni government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to carry out their legal duties and provide the necessary protection for refugees. Additionally, it reminds the Yemeni government of its binding duties in accordance with the 1951 Convention in relating to the Status of Refugees, which Yemen ratified in January 1981, as well as Yemeni laws that protect the rights of all human beings on Yemeni territory without discrimination.
