
(ACJ): We have been following the developments in the case of activist Fatima Al-Arwali since her abduction and the execution hasn't been set yet
  • 2024-01-21

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) said it was following the procedural and legal developments related to the case of human rights defender “Fatima Al-Arwali” detained by the Houthi group, from the announcement of her disappearance until the death sentence was issued against her by the Houthi- controlled Specialized Criminal Court in Sana’a. The Center denied the news that spread recently about the intention of the authorities in Sana'a to execute her next February.

    The lawyer assigned by the ACJ to provide legal assistance on behalf of activist “Al-Arwali” denied what many activists and media outlets were circulating about setting the date for the execution of the death penalty against her. He emphasized that the death sentence against the activist which was issued on January 5 by the Court of First Instance, was not signed by the judge who issued it and the activist still had two opportunities to appeal the ruling before the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. He also expressed his condemnation of the psychological harm to which the family of activist Fatima Al-Arwali was exposed after receiving an anonymous call to schedule her execution.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) affirms its continued follow-up of the case at all stages of the trial,  as well as providing everything necessary to guarantee her right to have a lawyer present to plead on her behalf, her contact with the outside world, and her right to visit and disclose her place of detention, reiterating its call to the Houthi group to immediately and unconditionally release her and all women detained by the group.
