
The ACJ: the death of a Save the Children employee in a Houthi prison requires an urgent investigation
  • 26/10/2023

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice stated that it followed with great concern the news about the death of the Security and Safty Dirctor at Save the Children Organization Hisham Al-Hakimi, in the National Security Prison of the Houthi group after he had been kidnapped for 50 days. The center stressed that the incident is a threat to the continuity of humanitarian work in Yemen and thus it requires urgent action to disclose its circumstances.

    According to ACJ's follow-up to Save the Children's statement, "Al-Hakimi" has been kidnapped since September without legal justification and no one was able to see or speak with him throughout the entire period of his detention and no one knew the reasons behind his detention. The ACJ stressed the importance of opening an impartial and transparent investigation into the circumstances of this tragic accident, revealing the true cause of death and achieving justice for the family of the deceased.

    The American Center for Justice notes that the death of “Hisham Al-Hakimi” is a great loss to the humanitarian community. The The Center expresses its sadness over this tragic incident and extends its support to his family, relatives and friends. We call for achieving justice and revealing circumstances behind his death. We stress the importance of protecting human rights and humanitarian work in Yemen, which suffers from the scourge of ongoing conflict.
