By: Bushra Al-Hamedi

A Wedding to Prostheses
  • 15/5/2022

    She was preparing for a glorious day, her wedding day. She was smiling happily and her face was shining like the moon heralding that long- awaited day. Little did she know that the light of her joy would turn into the dusk of the night.

    She didn’t know what was hidden for her on that misty, sad day before her wedding, and she didn’t realize that it would be her last day standing upright.

    Days before her wedding, Dalilah Abdu Ahmed, who lives in the villages of Al Shaqab in Jabal Sabr in Taiz governorate, went with her cousin Afaf to fetch water. She used to do this every day, but she did not know that the “Houthi group” had infiltrated her village in Al Shaqab to plant mines the night before. While they were passing between the houses, one of the mines exploded causing Dalilah to fall to the ground covered with blood. Afaf tried to help her, but another mine exploded in her too, and she fell next to Dalilah.

    They shouted for help, but that was not feasible. The Houthi militia was on the hill overlooking the village stalking everyone who tried to rescue them with a hail of bullets, but Afaf’s determination was strong, and in an attempt to crawl, she managed to drag Dalilah to a place a little far from the sniper’s sight. Then her father came to rescue them.

    Dalilah says: “When my father came to save us, Afaf and I were without clothes as the explosion of the mine took them off. Therefore, my father took his shawl from his head and covered us.”

    Dalilah and Afaf were taken to Al-Buraihi Hospital in Taiz, where they underwent several surgeries. Dalilah’s leg was amputated while Afaf’s right foot was amputated, and the left was broken.

    That day not only robbed Dalilah’s limbs, but also her happiness and joy, and her marriage was not completed because the expected groom decided not to marry her after she lost her limbs, so that mine caused her to immerse in grief and sorrows that will not heal over the years.

    Dalilah asks: What did I do wrong to become a disabled woman?! Who will stand by me?!
    However, the relief came in the form of prostheses. After suffering and misery, Dalilah had the opportunity to travel to Jordan. She returned after a while to her country with two prostheses that would help her walk even a little, but that was not enough. She now needs other prostheses to replace the ones that were damaged.

    Dalilah sighs as she describes her situation: “Now the prostheses and I fight. Every time I fix them, they moves out of their proper position which prevents me from walking. I’m afraid I won’t be able to walk again.”
