
ACJ: Houthi Group Arrests Hundreds Celebrating September Revolution Anniversary, Including Activists and Lawyers
  • 28/09/2024

    Michigan – The American Center for Justice (ACJ) reports that the Houthi group has launched a widespread crackdown on Yemenis in areas under its control to prevent them from celebrating the anniversary of the September Revolution. According to the ACJ, this repression highlights the severe decline in freedoms within the country. The center has expressed deep concern over the ongoing persecution of those commemorating the event.

    Over the past five days, ACJ monitoring has documented a large-scale campaign of arrests targeting hundreds of citizens, including lawyers, political party leaders, and human rights activists in the governorates of Ibb, Hodeidah, Dhamar, Sana'a, and Amran.

    The Houthi group has filed false charges against dozens of detainees, accusing them of forming cells linked to external aggression and undermining national security. The group has also threatened to use force against anyone attempting to organize gatherings or take to the streets under any pretext, reflecting a systematic policy of silencing dissent and suppressing freedom of expression.

    In a serious escalation, the Houthi group recently deployed military armored vehicles and armed personnel, along with individuals in civilian clothing, throughout the streets and alleys of areas under their control. This move aims to suppress celebrants and prevent them from expressing their opinions and commemorating the anniversary of the revolution.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) asserts that these actions represent a blatant violation of the Yemeni Constitution, particularly Article 48, which guarantees citizens the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, and Article 42, which upholds the right to freedom of thought and opinion for all citizens. Furthermore, these actions contradict Article 58, which grants citizens the right to form political and civil organizations.

    These violations also contravene the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Yemen is a signatory. Specifically, they breach Article 19, which protects the right of every individual to freedom of expression, and Article 21, which guarantees the right to peaceful assembly. Additionally, Article 9 of the covenant prohibits arbitrary arrest or unlawful detention, affirming the right of individuals to a fair trial.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) contends that the actions of the Houthi group constitute a flagrant violation of fundamental rights and an attempt to impose a systematic policy of terror against civilians through the use of force and intimidation. These actions are in direct conflict with the provisions of the Yemeni Constitution and international law and amount to crimes that demand accountability.

    The ACJ calls on the international community and human rights organizations to pressure the Houthi group to end all forms of repression against Yemenis, immediately release all detainees, and ensure the right of citizens to express their opinions and participate in national celebrations without fear or intimidation.

    The center further urges the Houthi group to cease using force and threats against civilians and to comply with international and domestic laws that protect human rights, particularly the freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly.
