
ACJ: We Hold the International Community Responsible for the Deterioration of the Health Sector in Gaza and Call for Immediate Action
  • 13/08/2024

    Michigan-The American Center for Justice (ACJ) has stated that the Gaza Strip has been experiencing an unprecedented deterioration in its health sector since the start of the Israeli war in October 2023. The war, now exceeding ten months, has led to a complete disruption of all health services, including vaccination campaigns, resulting in the outbreak of diseases that could have been prevented through vaccines.

    The ACJ expresses its shock and concern over the numbers and information reported by several local and international health organizations regarding the real dangers now present in Gaza due to the ongoing war and its impact on the health situation in the region.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed receiving reports of sporadic cases of measles and mumps, as well as more than 600,000 cases of upper respiratory tract infections, numerous cases of meningitis, hepatitis, rashes, scabies, lice, and chickenpox.

    Regarding polio, the WHO published a statement on July 19th, later updated on the 21st, confirming the spread of type 2 polio virus in Gaza. The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced on its Facebook page on July 29th that Gaza has become a polio epidemic zone.

    As for hepatitis, the WHO has highlighted the dire epidemiological situation in Gaza, revealing the spread of diarrhea and hepatitis A. Since the beginning of the Israeli war on Gaza, more than 100,000 people in Gaza have contracted acute jaundice syndrome or suspected hepatitis A. According to data from UNRWA's health program, between 800 and 1,000 new cases of hepatitis are reported weekly from UNRWA's health centers and shelters across Gaza. Hepatitis cases have risen from just 85 cases reported before the war to nearly 40,000 cases reported since the war began.

    The ACJ points out that the risk of further disease outbreaks remains high due to multiple factors, including overcrowding, water shortages, poor sanitation, disruption of routine healthcare services, and the collapse of the healthcare system.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) expresses its deep concern and fear over the deteriorating health conditions in Gaza, particularly the imminent threat to the lives of children, women, and the elderly as the war continues. It emphasizes that Israel's actions constitute a clear violation of international laws and conventions, including Article 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which obligates occupying powers to ensure and provide necessary healthcare and preventive services to the population in occupied territories, as well as Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.

    The ACJ calls on the international community to intervene immediately, to pressure Israel to stop its ongoing war and genocidal crimes, and to allow the urgent entry of medical and humanitarian aid into Gaza. It also calls for the establishment and equipping of field hospitals and emergency centers to vaccinate the population and provide treatment for those infected with communicable diseases.
