
(ACJ): Any settlement not preceded by addressing the issue of political detainees in Yemen is a diversion from the core issues and a denial of the suffering of thousands
  • 29/06/2024

    Michigan- Amid the harsh conditions and difficult circumstances faced by political detainees in Yemen, the American Center for Justice (ACJ) expresses deep concern over the persistence of this complex and recurring humanitarian issue, which reflects blatant violations of human rights and the dignity of the detainees.

    For years, many political detainees in Yemen have lived in poor humanitarian conditions, being held without fair trials or opportunities to defend themselves. Among these detainees is Mohamed Qahtan, a politician and leader in the Yemeni Islah Party, who has become a symbol of the suffering endured by many detained for their political views or opinions.

    Qahtan was arrested by the Houthis from his home in the capital, Sana'a, on April 5, 2015, days after the group placed him under house arrest. His fate and whereabouts have remained unknown for nearly nine years to this day. Qahtan exemplifies the broader issue of political detainees, thousands of whom have been detained by the Houthis throughout the years of conflict without disclosure of their fate or conditions of detention. Thousands of others with similar stories to Qahtan’s languish in secret prisons, subjected to torture, deprivation of basic rights, legal representation, and contact with their families.

    As discussions and potential meetings between the Yemeni government and the Houthi group resume, with delegations set to meet in Oman to discuss a political settlement, the issue of political detainees emerges as a primary obstacle to any real progress toward peace and stability.

    The ACJ asserts that any political agreement not preceded by a swift and fundamental resolution to this issue will remain incomplete and lack credibility and effectiveness. The center emphasizes that bypassing this issue in any upcoming political deal will undermine the agreement's substance and perpetuate ongoing injustice and suffering.

    The American Center for Justice calls on all concerned parties to assume their moral responsibilities toward political detainees and urgently work on their release and securing their basic rights. The center underscores the importance of proactive involvement by the UN and US envoys in supporting ongoing human rights and humanitarian demands to resolve the issue of political detainees.

    Furthermore, the ACJ stresses the importance of prioritizing the issue of political detainees as the true test of intentions to ensure the success of any upcoming political negotiations. It calls for serious and firm handling of this issue to guarantee justice and fairness for the detainees and their families.

    The American Center for Justice reiterates its unwavering support for the cause of forcibly disappeared political detainees and their families and affirms its ongoing efforts to defend their rights and end their suffering.
