
(ACJ): passing a bill allowing the imposition of sanctions against the ICC by the US Congress is a moral lapse
  • 05/06/2024

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) is following with great astonishment the approval of a bill allowing the imposition of sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) by the US  Congress. 

    The ACJ emphasizes that the passage of this law by Congress does not only entail a violation of the rules of international law and the Charter of the Court, which criminalizes preventing the Court from performing its duties or threatening its members. It also reflects the immoral bias of the American representatives at the expense of the suffering and pain of more than 2 million Palestinians who are subjected to 8-month long genocidal crimes that have never been recorded in modern history, as Israel has deliberately and intentionally targeted women, children, civilian objects, facilities, roads, vital facilities, and hospitals. Now Gaza has become a pile of destroyed buildings and more than 1.5 million displaced people lacking the most basic requirements of food, medicine and a safe place. 

    The American Center also notes that such decisions suggest that Israel is above the law and accountability, and that there is a green light for its leaders to commit war crimes and genocide while ensuring their impunity.

    The draft law stipulates the imposition of sanctions on individuals “engaged in any effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute any protected person of the United States and its allies." The penalties include prohibiting American real estate transactions and banning and canceling visas.

    In conclusion, the American Center for Justice (ACJ) affirms its solidarity and support for the efforts of the International Criminal Court to open a comprehensive investigation into the crimes of genocide committed by the Israeli army for months and calls on the international community and international organizations to stand united against any threats or obstacles to prevent the court from carrying out its job. It also stressed that American society and its civil and political components were required to take into account the Congress’ behavior against international judicial bodies and against the ongoing genocide taking place in the Gaza Strip.
