
Statement by the President of the American Center for Justice (ACJ) on President Biden
  • 2024-05-21

    Earlier today, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court announced plans to issue arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Gallant, and several Hamas leaders on charges of committing crimes against humanity. The White House condemned the prosecutor's statement and called the arrest warrants disgraceful.
    Latifa Jammal, President of the American Center for Justice, said President Biden must not interfere in the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. She noted that President Biden last year in March 2023 found the International Criminal Court's decision against Vladimir Putin for war crimes in Ukraine to be justified, but found the same orders from the same court against Israeli leaders to be outrageous and unacceptable.
    President Biden must preserve America's reputation as a state of law by avoiding interference in orders issued by the International Criminal Court targeting Israeli leaders accused of war crimes and genocide in Gaza.
    President Biden must also reconsider the significant funding that supports these crimes and halt aid to Benjamin Netanyahu to stop such actions.
