It called for transitional justice and redress for victims

(ACJ): Welcomes reaching a road map to end the conflict in Yemen
  • 2023-12-24

    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) said that the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, announced through his account on “X” that the Yemeni government and the Houthi group had reached a road map that stipulates the commitment of those parties to implement a set of measures as a prelude to a comprehensive ceasefire agreement. The ACJ stressed that this long-awaited step required a responsible stance by all parties to complete it.

    The ACJ welcomes this announcement, but notes at the same time that the current positive atmosphere must be exploited optimally by reducing the disagreement between the Yemeni government and the Houthi group and encouraging the language of dialogue based on reaching a democratic system that meets the ambitions of Yemenis. It also emphasized that the current phase is crucial to demonstrating the seriousness of the parties in reaching a comprehensive ceasefire and preparing for the transitional stage.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) indicates the need for all parties to provide full guarantees to end violations in Yemen. That includes halting military operations, ending arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, and secret prisons, opening roads, facilitating the movement of citizens and goods, discussing the mechanisms to provide basic services, the salaries file, and optimal operation of the airport and seaports, in addition to the reconstruction file, protecting civilians, providing aid to those affected by them, and creating an international mechanism for accountability in all cases of human rights violations and achieving justice.

    In turn, Latifa Jamel, President of the American Center for Justice (ACJ), said, "It is important that the basic axes be clear and present in the minds of the Yemeni parties during the implementation of the road map, and in particular to achieve the expected justice for the millions of Yemenis who have suffered over the past years." 

    She added, "The success of the road map that the UN envoy spoke about depends on the actual steps on the ground, most notably the cessation of military operations, the disappearance of armed manifestations, the restoration of state agencies and institutions, and the achievement of transitional justice and redress for the victims and their families. This cannot be achieved without a real will by everyone to put aside differences and move forward towards a Yemen free of conflict or disagreements.”

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) stresses the importance of establishing basic axes to advance Yemen's economy, which is suffering from a state of deterioration, by creating mechanisms to address economic crises.This begins with disbursing salaries, unifying the currency, and providing sufficient international support to overcome Yemen's economic crises and as a result, these steps will help achieve stability.

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) appreciates the international efforts to support the peace process in Yemen and urges the Yemeni government and the Houthi group to assume full responsibility, perioritize ending the suffering of Yemenis, turn the page on the years-long conflict, and provide all guarantees that pave the way for a stage in which the Yemenis enjoy democratic rule based on the protection of rights and free will.
