
(ACJ) condemns the killing of a 6-year-old Palestinian American child in Chicago..
  • 17/10/2023

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) condemns the killing of a 6-year-old Palestinian American child  and the serious injury of his mother in a stabbing attack in Chicago.

    We stress that the stabbing incident is a brutal hate crime that cannot be accepted in any way, and it highlights the urgent need to put an end to the inhuman fanaticism that occurs today.

    We call on the media and political leaders to stop spreading inflammatory propaganda and misleading information targeting Muslims and Palestinians in particular, as this incitement has serious repercussions on the situation of Muslim Americans and Palestinian Americans and puts them at a risk.

    We stress that this incitement targets everyone who believes in peace and freedom for people and a miserable attempt to silence free voices within American society that believes in freedom, justice, equality, and acceptance of others.

    Therefore, we call on all free people, organizations, leaders and individuals to stand against such fanaticism and to work together to create a society where the language of peace and acceptance of others spreads and to reject the language of intolerance and racism on the basis of colour, gender, race or religion.
