
(ACJ) condemns violations against civilians and calls for an end to the war
  • 12/10/2023


    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) expresses its deep condemnation and concern at the escalating military operations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides. The Center stressed that the continued escalation of armed violence in its current form and the deliberate violations against civilians would create a major humanitarian crisis with unpredictable results in light of the targeting of civilian objects protected by international law.   

    The American Center for Justice categorically rejects the targeting of civilians by any party and the importance of sparing them from the scourge of armed conflict. It also emphasizes that any attacks targeting civilian objects, especially homes, schools, and health centers, violate the principles of international humanitarian law, especially the principles of necessity and proportionality, taking into account there are no shelters or safe areas for civilians in Gaza. 

    Additionally, the ACJ confirms that international humanitarian law stipulates that the protection of civilians is obligatory in all cases and under any circumstances, and that killing civilians is considered a war crime in both international and non-international armed conflicts, and thus may amount to a crime against humanity.

    To conclude, the American Center for Justice calls for the end of the war and fighting and achieving a just and comprehensive peace because the only ones harmed by the continuation of the fighting are the civilians. It also calls on the United Nations and the relevant countries and powers to pressure Israel to immediately stop its unprovoked attack on civilians, neutralize them during military operations, and open all closed border crossings to ensure the flow of medical, food and logistical supplies.
