
(ACJ) calls on the international community to pressure Israel to stop its aggression against the Gaza Strip
  • 08/10/2023

    Palestinian Territories: The American Center (ACJ) calls on the international community to pressure Israel to stop its aggression against the Gaza Strip
    Michigan - The American Center for Justice (ACJ) expresses its deep condemnation and concern regarding the Israeli army’s attack on the Gaza Strip, which claimed hundreds of lives, in addition to the Israeli authorities’ closure of vital crossings to the Strip, and the disruption of the flow of humanitarian supplies, such as medicines, medical supplies, and fuel. 
    According to field information followed by the center, the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip, which began yesterday, Saturday, October 7, resulted in the death of 313 and the wounding of other 1,990 Palestinians so far. The Israeli army targeted with air strikes many civilian places with prior knowledge of this, which may amount to a war crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
    The ACJ pointed out that the Israeli Air Force had targeted civilians directly and without justification although the Israeli army and intelligence services possess sufficient advanced techniques and methods to determine the nature and identity of people within the striking range. 
    The American Center stressed that the Israeli army did not take into account the principles of international humanitarian law in its attack on the Gaza Strip, especially the principles of necessity and proportionality. It also indicated that Israeli warplanes destroyed homes and residential towers, claiming that their owners or members of their families belonged to Palestinian armed factions, which falls within the methods of collective punishment practiced by Israel against the Palestinians on a large scale.
    The American Center for Justice, in turn, warns that the only power plant in the Gaza Strip may stop within hours due to the continued interruption of fuel supplies, which directly affects the work of vital facilities such as hospitals, health centers, wastewater pumps, treatment plants, drinking water wells, desalination plants, and other electricity-related service facilities.
    In this context, the American Center for Justice (ACJ) believes that the ongoing violence in the Palestinian territories is an affirmation that fair solutions and the application of the constitution of the United Nations and international agreements related to the Palestinian issue are the only way to stop the repeated and renewed wave of violence in the occupied territories. The ACJ also emphasized that the lack of serious international will to find a solution to the conflict within those territories will lead to more crimes against innocent civilians.
    The (ACJ) calls on the United Nations and the relevant countries and powers to put pressure on Israel to immediately stop its unprovoked attack on the Gaza Strip, neutralize civilians from military operations, and open all closed border crossings to ensure the flow of medical, food and logistical supplies to the Strip.
    The American Center for Justice also calls on the Human Rights Council to form a fact-finding committee to investigate all incidents that included targeting civilians, identify those responsible, and push for their accountability before the relevant courts, in preparation for achieving justice for the victims.
