About the Yemeni war from the point of view of the UN Security Council

The Black Book: The role of the UAE in the Yemeni war
  • 23/04/2023

    The first part of the report prepared by Yemeni South Center for Studies was issued on the Yemeni war from the point of view of the UN Security Council, highlighting the local and regional parties in the war and the role of each of them, through monitoring and studying Security Council resolutions on Yemen, and reports of UN experts on the Yemeni war, its parties, events, and developments during the 8 years from 2014 to 2022.
    This series, which includes 3 parts, comes as part of Yemeni South Center for Studies' efforts to highlight the position of the international community - through Security Council resolutions and reports of its experts, by focusing on the most essential contents of resolutions and reports on the Yemeni war, the actors and components that are influential and have a prominent role in this war. And in the events and developments that Yemen is going through, while clarifying the relationship between some Yemeni components and regional parties and powers, whether with support and financing for components on the ground or by establishing and forming local forces and arms, arming them and providing them with the necessary support to play the role set for them by their supporters.
    The Center has made tremendous efforts in studying and tracking international mechanisms and positions towards Yemen, as expressed by UN resolutions supporting the political process, and the decisions of the international community in terms of decisions issued by the Security Council during the period between 2011 and 2014, especially after the issuance of Security Council Resolution No. 2140 of 2014, according to which a team of experts and a sanctions committee were established, which included a number of people in the sanctions list as obstructing the political process.
    According to the report authors, this work wouldn't have been completed had it not been for the continuous efforts made by the Center through a team of its affiliates. These efforts, which lasted for an extended period of time, have resulted in this achievement that the Center presents to researchers, specialists, and those interested in Yemeni affairs, as well as the international community’s vision of Yemen through what is issued on the decisions of the UN and the Security Council and the periodic reports and briefings submitted by the specialized committees, teams, and experts. Also, this publication stems in its entirety from prudent extrapolation, continuous monitoring, and diligent follow-up by the Center, including what this entails in knowing the local and regional forces and realizing their role, influence, size, and limits of their capabilities, especially in light of the comprehensive war that the country is going through, and the current conditions resulting from the war and the conflicts that are taking place. It erupts from time to time on the sidelines of the war at times and at other times far from it.
    The report was divided into three parts, to make it easier for readers, followers, and researchers, by providing content that is easy to view and benefit from, and refer to when necessary. The division relied on two main factors: the chronological division based on the arrangement of reports according to the date of their issuance, and the second factor represented in the subject matter, as each subject was taken into account separately while dividing the work into several parts.
    The first part was issued indicating the role of the UAE and its continuous violations of human rights and all covenants and covenants, as proven by the experts and their annual reports submitted to the Security Council, followed by the next parts that include the role of the Houthi militia according to the reports of the Security Council’s expert group during the period 2014-2022.



