
Organizers of March on Washington for Gaza Demands President Biden to Push for A Complete Ceasefire
  • 2024-01-13

    Dozens of Muslim, Arab and Palestinian-American organizations sent a strongly-worded letter to President Biden and the White House today urging him to push for an immediate ceasefire and stop the uncondetional support for the war crimes committed against civilians in the Gaza Stripe by the Israeli Forces. The letter endorses made it clear that President Biden and his administration damaged their relationship with these communities.  

    The letter endorsed by over 300 groups and sent to the White House included the demands of the January 13th March on Washington for Gaza, which is expected to be the largest pro-ceasefire protest since the beginning of the attack on Gaza.

    The signatories criticized the decisions taken by the current US administration, more particularly approving new shipments of deadly weaponry to the Israeli government without congressional review, standing alone in vetoing UN Security Council resolutions calling for a mutualceasefire, and dismissing South Africa's thorough legal filing against the Israeli government in the ICJ. 

    The endorses called upon President Biden and his administration to secure a just and lasting peace by ending the Israeli occupation of Palestine, respect his relationship with the Arab and Muslim  communities and the broader American public, and end the American support for violence.

    For further information on the march please visit

    Tel: (313)539-5896
