
The ACJ Calls on the Yemeni Attorney General to Investigate the Death of a Civilian under Torture
  • 18/07/2023

    The American Center for Justice (ACJ) calls on the Yemeni Attorney General to investigate the death of a civilian under torture.

    A Yemeni civilian died as a result of the severe torture he was exposed to in the prisons of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces in the Ja'ar district of Abyan governorate 3 weeks after his abduction from the city of Ataq in Shabwa governorate where he worked to support his family in his hometown in the Hazm Al-Odain district of Ibb governorate.

    The STC forces released Muhammad Hassan Mahdi Qaid on July 15, 2023. When his family received him, his health condition was already poor. His family noticed the signs of brutal torture on his body, including wounds, burns, and various injuries, and they received death threats if they disclosed what he was subjected to.

    The (ACJ) warns that this incident is only a small part of many practices that have increased in the STC-held areas as a result of the absence of state institutions, security and judicial agencies, and impunity, which enabled the perpetrators to commit more crimes.

    The American Center for Justice calls on the Attorney General to immediately investigate this incident, to arrest the perpetrators and those responsible for it, to hold them accountable before justice and not to allow them to escape impunity.
